Intrepid is a Star Trek fan film series chronicling the adventures of the crew of the Starship Intrepid. Based out of Dundee, Scotland, Intrepid is one of the few British Star Trek fan productions, and to date the only one produced in Scotland. What started in 2003 with a few enthusiastic fans has grown as others have joined the production who may not necessarily be fans, but who enjoy the various creative aspects. None of us started out as film makers, and we certainly don’t claim to be professionals, but as Intrepid has grown, so too have our knowledge and experience. We hope the lessons learned are apparent in our work.
Star Trek is the sole property of CBS/Paramount, and while they continue to very generously tolerate fan productions such as ours, it should be noted that they neither support nor endorse them. As a result, all episodes of Intrepid are entirely free to view.